4.9.2 完整示例

创建一个文件 test.txt,内容任意,然后在同一目录编译并运行列表 4-4 中的程序。你会看到文件内容被输出到 stdout 中。

Listing 4-4.mmap.asm

; These macrodefinitions are copied from linux sources
; Linux is written in C, so the definitions looked a bit
; different there.
; We could have just looked up their values and use
; them directly in right places
; However it would have made the code much less legible

%define O_RDONLY 0
%define PROT_READ 0x1
%define MAP_PRIVATE 0x2

section .data
; This is the file name. You are free to change it.
fname: db 'test.txt', 0

section .text
global _start

; These functions are used to print a null terminated string
    push rdi
    call string_length
    pop rsi
    mov rdx, rax
    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, 1
    xor rax, rax
    cmp byte [rdi+rax], 0
    je .end
    inc rax
    jmp .loop
.end: ret

; call open
mov rax, 2
mov rdi, fname
mov rsi, O_RDONLY   ; Open file read only
mov rdx, 0          ; We are not creating a file
syscall             ; so this argument has no meaning
; mmap
mov r8, rax         ; rax holds opened file descriptor
                    ; it is the fourth argument of mmap
mov rax, 9          ; mmap number
mov rdi, 0          ; operating system will choose mapping destination
mov rsi, 4096       ; page size
mov rdx, PROT_READ  ; new memory region will be marked read only
mov r10, MAP_PRIVATE  ; pages will not be shared
mov r9, 0           ; offset inside test.txt
syscall             ; now rax will point to mapped location

mov rdi, rax
call print_string

mov rax, 60         ; use exit system call to shut down correctly
xor rdi, rdi

results matching ""

    No results matching ""